Easy Grammar

Easy Grammar Ultimate Series: Grade 8 Teacher Edition

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Easy Grammar Ultimate Series (Grades 8-12+) provides daily teaching by following the same format as Daily GRAMS. The 180 lessons provide high-school students with continued learning and application in daily, 10-minute lessons and have been designed cyclically. This allows students more class time for literature and writing.

The teacher text has the reproducible student pages in the front of the book and the answers in the back.  This is the only book you need if you have one child (the child can write directly in the book).  If you have more than one child and don’t want to make copies, then you can get the student workbook.  The student test book is a separate assessment book.  The answers as well as the tests are found in the test booklet.

  • 180 daily teaching lessons
  • 10 minute lessons
  • Concepts presented in an easy, step-by-step manner
  • Building-block approach

Emphasis is placed on phrases (gerund, infinitive, participial, etc.) and concepts at Grade 8 level

Q. What is the difference between Easy Grammar texts and Easy Grammar Ultimate Series texts?

A. Easy Grammar texts include Grades 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and Plus. Grades 2-6 are for elementary students. Concepts are taught within sequential grammar units, beginning with prepositions. Using this approach, sentences are stripped to basics, enabling students to understand subject and verb and to build throughout each text.

EG Plus will give any student beyond Grade 6 a solid, basic understanding of grammar.  It's especially popular because the text is written at a fourth-grade reading level.  Therefore, students can focus on concepts. Like the other Easy Grammar texts, concepts are taught within sequential grammar units. Using a prepositional approach, sentences are stripped to basics for students to identify subject and verb and to build on more challenging topics such as subject-verb agreement, predicate nominatives, and correct usage in all areas.

The Easy Grammar Ultimate Series texts are similar to both Easy Grammar and Daily GRAMS. The texts are like Easy Grammar in that they are teaching texts. Concepts relating to phrases, clauses, compound-complex sentences, and other higher-level concepts (as well as basics) are presented in a 180 daily lesson format found in Daily GRAMS texts. Concepts are introduced, reintroduced, applied, expanded, etc. throughout each text.