Story Books & CDs
Books have a strong influence both on us and our children, contributing a great deal to the shaping of our worldview. Humanistic books are man-centered, and God is not even mentioned. Rather than offer “good moral stories,” most of our story books are overtly Christian. We want to emphasize the unchanging reality of God, the precious Gospel of Jesus Christ, the faithful testimony of the Scriptures, and the witness of a transformed life. You will find that books written for children in earlier centuries touch on subjects less common in today’s children’s literature, such as the death of a family member, religious persecution, and consequences of sin. We recommend that parents preview all of their children’s reading material to be able to choose what is best for each individual child. Organizing reading books into levels is a challenging task. We have loosely divided the books into four levels but have chosen not to have an adult reading level as adults are capable of reading from any level and may find their favorites in several different levels.
Reading Level 1 contains picture books, easy readers, and read-alouds of interest to younger children.
Reading Level 2 contains full-length stories of a simpler nature; the interest level extends to all ages.
Reading Level 3 contains books for a confident reader, more developed story lines, and an appeal to a wide level of interests.
Reading Level 4 contains books with a challenge to maturity, special interest to young people, and because of topics, some are not suitable for younger readers.