Notgrass Company

Exploring Government Curriculum Set and Student Review Package (4th Edition)

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Complete High School U.S. Government Curriculum

Are you looking for an American government curriculum for your high school student that is complete and easy to use? Exploring Government is a one-semester course that is centered in God's Word and equips your student to better understand our country's government and his or her role in it.

Who Can Use It

Author Ray Notgrass designed the curriculum for students to use successfully for one semester anytime in high school--9th grade, 10th grade, 11th grade, or 12th grade.

Daily lessons build an in-depth understanding of how American government works. With the lessons already planned, your student can use the curriculum independently.

What's Included

The Exploring Government Curriculum Package includes everything you need for a successful study. If you use the course as written, your student can earn one semester of credit in American government and one semester of credit in English. However, the course is flexible, so you can adjust the assignments as needed to fit your student's schedule and needs.

  • The textbook, Exploring Government, features 75 engaging lessons with hundreds of colorful photographs and historic illustrations.
  • We Hold These Truths is a collection of primary source documents offering perspectives on government from the past and present.
  • Weekly project ideas include a writing assignment and two other creative assignments such as building a model, making a video, or conducting research.
  • The Student Review Pack includes all of the daily review questions, literary analysis, literature questions, weekly quizzes, and exams your child needs for the course, along with the answer key for you.

We recommend that students read four biographies that enhance their understanding of government. This package does not include any of the recommended literature, so you may want the Literature Package.