Notgrass Company

Our 50 States Text

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  • Regular price $60.00
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This book comes in the Curriculum Package. It includes all of the instructions, lessons, and assignments for the Our 50 States course.

Purchasing this book (either by itself or with a package) also gives you access to the audio recordings of the songs to stream or download.

Complete Elementary U.S. Geography Curriculum

Are you looking for a U.S. geography curriculum for your elementary student that is complete and easy to use? Our 50 States is a one-year course that is centered in God's Word and makes learning exciting for homeschooling students and parents.

Who Can Use It

Mary Evelyn Notgrass McCurdy designed the curriculum for students to use successfully in 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, or 4th grade. It combines the flexibility and richness of a literature-based unit study approach with the simplicity of a textbook-based approach.

Lessons guide your child on a journey across the United States, highlighting key landmarks and the stories of real people. With open-and-go lessons, you can teach your student with minimal planning or preparation.